

Thanks to all of our awesome sponsors that help Special Deeds for Special Needs Kids on our dream bedroom makeovers for these amazing kiddos!

Hill Billy Bling

Follow them on FACEBOOK!

Covington Painting and Remodel, LLC

Follow them on FACEBOOK!

Cory Hultquist Photography

Cory Hultquist Photography

26 years or so ago, Corey Thomas and I became buddies through our shared love of bowling. We traveled to Hawaii together as teenagers and competed all across the PNW. He’s one of only a small handful of people from those days with whom I still maintain close contact.

It has been a privilege to help this non-profit organization which does bedroom makeovers for children with special needs – and they ask me to come out for their newest projects and do some photos and videos.

I am honored beyond words to be a part of SNSD Kids. I could go on and on about what it means to me and what it has meant to everyone involved.

Molly Gunsaulis, D.D.S

Find them HERE!

DaBell & Paventy Orthodontics

Visit their website HERE!
Follow them on Facebook
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Savemore Building Supply Sponsor

Savemore Building Supply

Contact them @+1 (509) 922-2934

Twilight Bedding Mattress Factory

Visit their website HERE!
Follow them on Facebook
Follow them on Instagram

100% of your sponsored donations are tax deductible.


806 S Rees Ln
Spokane Valley, WA 99037
PHONE: (509) 868-5044
EMAIL: SDSN925@gmail.com


TAX ID 47-3082458

SDSN is recognized by the IRS as a 501 (c) (3) tax exempt nonprofit approved organization based in Spokane, WA that was founded in 2015 by Corey and Katie Thomas.

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